An afternoon scouting mission…

With the great weekend forecast ahead of us I decided to hop out onto the Ottawa River for a few hours to aid in our decision process for Saturdays fishing.  I arrived at the river to find it howling, lumpy and dirty.  I knifed my way out to some sheltered areas in search of my favorite fish to target, Gar.
My first impression was how low the water is.  Unreal.  I am concerned about a dry summer and then the real issues start.  I have never seen the river near this level in mid May, nevermind April!
I found water temps up into the mid to high 50’s.  Usual areas that hold gar early season are void and nearly dry.  Search mode I went!  I found them, a bit lethargic from a long winters nap but found some bold enough to attack my bait.  I started off with what we call “pencils”.  The first fish swam about 5 feet and came a crashed my bait.  Being alone I didn’t bother setting up the tripod for that little guy.  Probably about 35-36 inches.
I picked away for a few hours landing 5, the best one being about 46 inches.  No giants today but being that it was simply a scouting mission I was pleased.  I left them to play with again tomorrow!
Here’s two of the better ones from today….