2 casts and 100 inches of fish….

After my scouting mission yesterday I had fairly high hopes for todays fish.  My always faithful fishin buddy Phil joined me on this day in hopes of seeing him land his new best.
Conditions were great early, but as the sun rose higher so did the wind.  Being that we are 100% sight fishing for these beasts, wind is the enemy.  With the wind shifting directions we had a small window of time to play with.  We made the best of it but conditions worsened by lunch hour and we decided to hit the road and make plans for tomorrow.
Phil made 2 perfectly accurate casts to two quality fish and had them hooked up only to have the hook pull out on him.  The bony beaks were tough on him today!
I landed 2 fish on the day.  For a total of 100 inches!  The first one was 49 on the tape and then followed it up shortly with a 51 incher.
49 incher to start….
And the big girl. Not as thick as my fish from last year but a nice one!
She has a beautiful smile!